Temporary exhibitions

Sociability in Kamnik from A to Ž

Zaprice Castle Museum and administration
from 15.06.2024 to 15.06.2025
With the exhibition and the accompanying booklet, a kind of alphabet book Sociability in Kamnik from A to Ž, we tried to show fragments of the rich social life in municipality of Kamnik with the members of the study group. As author Marko Kumer writes in the introduction to the booklet, the ...

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Goran Medjugorac

Gallery View
from 07.06.2024 to 14.09.2024
The painter Goran Medjugorac (1972) graduated in 2002 from prof. Gustav Gnamuš at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana and in 2011 received a master's degree at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona (Facultat de Bellas Artes de la Universitat de Barcelona). Since his student ...

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Maister and native Kamnik

Rudolf Maister’s Birthplace
from 26.03.2024 to 26.03.2025
Maister had a special relationship with his hometown, even though he spent some of his earliest childhood years here. At the Ljubljana high school, he became friends with people from Kamnik who attended the school at the time, such as the brothers Josip and Alojzij Benkovič, and Anton Koželj. ...

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International Art event Dobre novice

Gallery Miha Maleš
from 16.03.2024 to 22.09.2024
Participating artists William Sweetlove(BEL) Victor Kastelic(USA/ITA) Daniele Galliano(ITA) Pierluigi Pusole(ITA) Sergio Cascavilla(ITA) Bart Ramakers(BEL) Garrett Speirs(USA) Elke Warth(GER) Francesco Di Lernia(ITA) Mark Brest van Kempen(USA) Carel Pieter Brest van Kempen(USA) Nina ...

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From the depths of the Suhadole well

Komenda, šolska pot
from 13.10.2023 to 30.09.2024
In 2000, a Roman well was discovered on the plot of the Petrič family in Suhadole, next to the construction pit for the new house. Miran Bremšak from Mlake pri Komenda was the finder. He reported the find to the Institute for Monument Protection from Kranj. Bremšak was a longtime collaborator ...

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Joyfull to Kamnik. Mostly sixties.

Zaprice Castle Museum and administration
from 17.06.2023 to 15.09.2024
The new temporary exhibition entitled Joyfull to Kamnik is dedicated to the stormy period of the sixties of the 20th century in Kamnik. We borrowed the title from the most popular song that sings of the beauty of the city and its surroundings. The period of the 1960s includes a whole series of ...

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