Gryphon, Trojane, second half of 2nd century

Published: 07.03.2019

In the lapidary of the Intermunicipal museum Kamnik, we store a part of the tombstone with a gryphon motif, which was found in Trojane in 1937, made from white marble from Pohorje.
On the preserved part of the tombstone, a winged mystical creature of gryphon is depicted. Relief is an excellent sculptural work, which in its quality belongs to a circle of high-artificial reliefs with gryphons and hippocampus on a necropolis in Šempeter in the Savinja Valley.
A gryphon (Greek: grýphōn or grýpōn, Latin: gryphus) is a creature with a body, tail, the hind legs of a lion, and the head and wings of an eagle; also, it has eagle’s claws on its forelegs. The gryphon is supposed to be the king of all beings. It drove off evil forces from the deceased, protected their ashes from the desecration and looting of grave goods.