Notranjska Region

Rudolf Maister’s Birthplace
When: 25.05.2019, from 07:00 to 19:00

Excursion through this diverse section of the Slovenian country will be led by our old acquaintance Milan Škrabec. He will particularly draw attention to interesting links between people and cities with Kamnik in various periods of Slovenian history (Maister, Gaspari, Balantič).

Departure from Kamnik at 7 am to Ljubljana and to Unec; see all the memories of Rudolf Maister. We will stop on the estate at Unec, which Maister inherited after Aunt Matilda. He died there in 1934. Then we will go to Snežnik Castle, where Maister lived for two months as member of the Yugoslav part of the commission for delimitation between the Kingdom of SHS and the Kingdom of Italy (Rapallo Treaty), his bedroom is preserved. Then the path will lead us to an exotic and mysterious underground world. From boats and accompanied by guides we will sail to the world-famous Križna jama. In the cave there is 8 ⁰C, we recommend warm clothes and some additional wool socks for boots that you get before entering the cave. From there, again on the land in Grahovo, visit the Kamnik poet Balantič, who has monument there. Then we will walk through the old town center of Cerknica – Tabor. Then, whoever wants to, can have lunch in the inn at Glaž’k in Cerknica. Very close to Cerknica, in the village of Selšček, a famous painter Maksim Gaspari was born, also very closely connected with Kamnik.

Meeting point: parking at the sports hall in Kamnik at 7 am. Return to Kamnik until 7 pm.
The price for 30 persons is 20,00 €/person.
Price up to 40 persons is 15,00 €/person.
Price up to 50 people is 12,50 €/person.

The price includes: bus transportation, organization and guided tours, and tours according to the program.
– entrance fee to the Snežnik Castle 4,00 €/person or pensioners 2,00 €/person;
– Križna jama 8,00 €/person;
– lunch in Cerknica 12,00 € (soup /bovine or mushroom/, meat, roasted potatoes and salad).

The minimum number of entries is 30. If the registered ones will not be enough, we will have to cancel the professional excursion.
Applications and payments for excursion are accepted at Rudolf Maister’s birth house, Šutna 23 in Kamnik (information on tel. 059 097 580 or museum 01 8317 662) until Tuesday, May 21, 2019.

Pleasantly invited!