Ivan Cankar – On the Island

Zaprice Castle Museum and administration
When: 24.10.2018, from 19:00 to 20:00

At the 100th anniversary of the Slovene writer and playwright Ivan Cankar, we invite you to the theater performance of Cankar’s work On the Island, as projected and directed by theater player Uroš Potočnik.

The work of Ivan Cankar  On the island (1907) is an intimate narrative of the “shipwreck” who, with his fears, dreams, and desires, finds himself on the island, which represents the inner world of the writer, his mentality, his longing and his fears. The island as a metaphor of the human psyche is nowadays, when, despite the ever-increasing population, people are becoming more isolated and alone.

In today’s world, Cankar’s Island acts as a video game full of virtual traps, which makes it hot, desirable and adrenaline. The theater performance of the play contains elements that are a mapping of the writer’s words in terms of movement, voice and modern, digital implants – the sound that comes from the player, but is attached, recorded, reproduced. In the dramatic realization of Cankar ‘s novel On the Island is about an honest, modern theater – research product.